I loved enjoying the lazy Norwegian sun the last week, when Scandinavia finally had the best weather in all Europe. Done with my diploma (yes, I’m almost a graduate ;) ) and after spending one week in Southern surroundings, I was shocked to find a Norwegian capital in 100% summer holiday mood. The entire city was outside, on the terraces, in the parks, eating ice cream, drinking bear, grilling, sun bathing (on every single green spot), playing games, chilling, but most of all, staring at the sun (I was not the only one)…
However, the best place in town was the new Opera House, which I was very excited to see. The white marble mass coming out of the water, the different planes and lines, the squared glass and finally the wooden interior give a very spacious, harmonious and simple impression. Everything seems to be just as it is supposed to in this white dimension, where everybody feels at ease. Enjoy the pics in my Oslo album and, if your interested, read up more about the building and the architects (same ones that build the
Library of Alexandria and recently won the competition for
King Abdulaziz Center for Knowledge and Culture)