Freitag, 16. April 2010

Can you pronounce Eyjafjallajökul?

... why is that so? ...

Thinking about Katla and some other stuff that I could have thought about earlier...

Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Doar basme...

Intrăm în împărăția Sfintei Miercuri. Cât vom merge prin ea, nu vom da de alta decât de frig și iarăși de frig. Pe marginile căii vor fi focuri din focuri și eu mă tem că tu vei merge să te încălzești.

Understanding things often takes time. Achieving seldom goes without strength.

Montag, 15. Februar 2010

Some you win, some you loose...

... intense weekend in Norwich, ups and downs, wins and losses but perhaps more wins after all. There's always this funny unexpected element to winning anyways, without which the joy is not complete, the uncertainty needs to be there for the full experience. But sometimes the desire of winning simply creeps into your veins, taking slowly control of your mind and soul, pushing you forward and holding you back. And you wonder what it is that prevents you from running into friends in your neighborhood as soon as you anticipate such an encounter, and why some psychologists are interested in gamblers...

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010

ptiu` sa nu te deochi

am invatat un cuvant nou astazi. unul dintre aspectele mai placute ale vietii de zi cu zi din oraselul acesta pe cat de mic, pe atat de inzestrat, este ca din cand in cand descopar cate-un cuvant sau cate-o fraza noua, cate-un corespondent cultural surprinzator. si chiar daca pare de necrezut, deochiul exista si in engleza. mai putin neasteptat, e un concept prea bine cunoscut in rusia, si presupun ca in aceasi masura in toata zona de influenta slava. dar nu-mi amintesc ceva similar in germana, decat poate verhext, si as fi curioasa sa aflu corespondentul scandinav, daca ar exita. ar fi interesant de stiut in ce masura existenta cuvantului e corelata cu valorile culturale ale unui popor. si cat de repede anumite cuvinte dispar cand isi pierd utilitatea.

deochi e un cuvant atat de plastic, cu o legatura directa catre privire, care devine puterea ce determina soarta victimei. iar jinx are o sonoritate cu totul aparte, care ma duce cu gandul la argintul viu.

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010

Prin ochiul Londrei...

... ne-am plimbat cateva ore, un ochi pe jumatate adormit de griul unui ianuarie care pare sa fi uitat ca soarele lumineaza si insule, pe jumatate inghetat de briza unei Tamise intunecate. Am urcat si coborat deasupra orasului orei de engleza, de-a lungul amintirilor dragi si uitate, in roata luminilor si umbrelor intrevazute.

Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009

Let's get this year started

So we've changed year again, and it seems like 2009 has passed faster then any year before it. And I have a feeling that this pattern is here for good. However, something tells me that 2010 has the potential of becoming one of the good years that can sit beside my dear Grenoble one with pride. And just like I left that summer to France with the intuition that 6 months won't be enough, I know now that 12 months can be stretched and transformed into the time of your life. The Perchten have sent away the bad spirits and wished me all the best for the year to come, the snow has fallen over my unwritten words, questions and doubts, and the perspective of a greener and brighter spring has started to grow in my heart. Complains about Romanian elections and Wizzair flight cancellations, excitements about Christmas trees, baubles, and crackers, sad and merry songs, surprises and expected outcomes were lost in the glazing wind. This 6th of January is baptizing me with the naive feeling that this year's gonna be a good one, among great friends, duties and chances. Intentions are crystallizing in my head and I can almost taste the change that can bring temple, toes and nails together.

Happy New Year!

Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

Bin ich ein Berliner?

Turns out I somehow landed in this city of contrasts less than 20 days after the 20 years anniversary. Today's Berlin makes me think of glass, open space, arts, unconventionality, but mostly change. It shows me a face that I would have liked my country to adopt in two decades as well...

Turns out Berlin is in...