An inspiring extended weekend which had potential to put our small insignificant existence into a higher context. It was due to the final SET-Routes School Ambassador event (motivating young girls to go into science) that we had the chance to visit CERN, "the world's largest particle physics laboratory" (remember the presumed end of the world last September - "Ce parere aveti, credeti ca vine sfarsitul lumii/ ca ne inghite o gaura neagra/ ca se joaca de-a Dumnezeu?). I'll let more qualified people than myself talk and sing about it (MUST see). And talking about science communication, this might also be a way of letting people know that CERN does exist. Yes, old news, but in the cinemas from the 15th of May. And while the web it's celebrating its 20th anniversary, random kitchen tiles in Lausanne are still waiting for brilliant ideas and lasting motivations during young Sunday hours...
Sonntag, 26. April 2009
Science communication...
An inspiring extended weekend which had potential to put our small insignificant existence into a higher context. It was due to the final SET-Routes School Ambassador event (motivating young girls to go into science) that we had the chance to visit CERN, "the world's largest particle physics laboratory" (remember the presumed end of the world last September - "Ce parere aveti, credeti ca vine sfarsitul lumii/ ca ne inghite o gaura neagra/ ca se joaca de-a Dumnezeu?). I'll let more qualified people than myself talk and sing about it (MUST see). And talking about science communication, this might also be a way of letting people know that CERN does exist. Yes, old news, but in the cinemas from the 15th of May. And while the web it's celebrating its 20th anniversary, random kitchen tiles in Lausanne are still waiting for brilliant ideas and lasting motivations during young Sunday hours...
Sonntag, 19. April 2009
Mittwoch, 15. April 2009
Curățenie de primăvară...
Back again after a refreshing excursion into ever amazing white, blue and green Norwegian landscapes and historic times. Spring rain calling for bright, purer mornings. Yes, the sky is the limit, but mind the trolls on the ground!
Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
Frohe Ostern?
So what does Easter mean these days? A celebration of Christ's resurrection? A time to rediscover old traditions that you might enjoy? An occasion to get together with family and friends? An opportunity to show-off cooking skills and get an overdose on calories and sugar? An Easter egg fight? An excuse to kill a lamb? A moment to lay back and meditate on life's meaning? A skiing week in the white Norwegian mountains? Some relaxing sunny spring days? Or perhaps a charming mix of all previous Easters in and outside your mind?
Have a happy one!
Montag, 6. April 2009
Livada de visini?
In care marmelada de primavara ni se amesteca toate gandurile si visele inzapezite, si unde definim granita imaginatiei? Sa regasim intr-un colt de gand linistea unei duminici lenese, scursa precum 1000 de alte clipe pe malul unui taram al lebedelor, in care pasii ne calauzesc intr-o altfel de realitate, si buzele ne incanta intr-o dulce aroma de soc?... Ce puteri ascunse are o raza de primavara si cat de aproape ne poate aduce de poveste? Cat ar dura o duminica in intr-o livada eterna?
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