Mittwoch, 2. April 2008


... asta soarele se joaca-n parul tau... in parul tau si-al meu, dar mai ales in parul din gradina care-nmugureste, infloreste si-verzeste-n asteptarea unei veri de poveste in care soarele nu coboara de pe cer decat pentru-a-si netezi coama razelor jucause. In asteptarea unor ghiocei, unor zambile, unor frezii, lalele, narcise, lacramioare sau magnolii adorm cu floare-albastra-n gand si visez povesti cu troli si Fanny ...

I’ve updated my picasa album with some pics from Cambridge and Heidelberg, where I spend two intense, stressful, amazing, inspiring and exhausting weeks and met great people. Funny how your future is decided from one moment to the other and you find yourself looking at life like at a TV series, with no awareness of the realness of events to come (when you’re sitting comfortably in your office chair just after having a nice lunch it’s quite easy to book a 7 a.m. flight and it’s only on the night before that it starts too seem a quite bad idea; however, you fully realize the consequences of your actions when your alarm rings at 5 a.m.). So it’s a fact, I’m going to live in England for 3-4 years, punting on the river Cam, eating fish & chips, drinking ale and navigating through the epigenomic dimensions of life.

But until then, the reality looks very Norwegian and I’m enjoying the ever growing sunny days, even if it has to be from behind a window most often. We spent very relaxing Easter holidays at Seljestad, 4m of snow, blue sky, great food and skiing. Felt a bit more like winter holidays for me, but as I understand, it’s the traditional Norwegian way (celebrate Easter before it’s actually there, just as for Chrismas) ;) good winter holidays ...

I’ve been complaining quite a lot about spring arriving so late up here, but the past days have finally brought timid bird songs and thermometer raises over 10 degrees. It’s such a good feeling to go home from work in sunshine and remember a dark December evening while looking forward to an amazing month of May. To celebrate all this, we went climbing outside last Sunday, and even though I was crying along with my frozen fingers on my way up, I felt new, spring blood running through my veins by the end of the day.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Mi-as trimite rasuflarea-n parul tau... :)