Today was the first day I got on my cycle and sailed away through the cozy streets of Cambridge without stressing about cars passing by on my right side. It felt right, just as right as when I was confidently clocking though a roundabout this morning. Cycles are great, however punts may be even better on a sunny afternoon...
On the other hand, Cambridge is 800 years old, and I have only known it for 2 weeks now. So how right should I be allowed to feel? Signs all over the place remind you of your humble status (from the omnipresent "Don't step on the grass" one to more serious warnings), however the mind gets inspiring inputs from all dark college corners, and it seems that every stone rays creativity.
And just to prove that, as a whole year of celebrations was inaugurated last Saturday, a fancy lights show reminded us of all the discoveries and discoverers that once watched students cycling on the left side of good old Cambridge lanes and maybe had a look at American tourists punting under the mathematical bridge. Just like the other hundreds of people gathered in front of King's that evening (gura-casca), we kept clicking our camera's button for storing a second of greatness in our virtual not Ginko dependent memory... And maybe just like tens of people, we went for a glass of wine and ended up talking about the world and the word in the shadow of empty bottles...
Same people, different story...
Sunday morning... London no.1: the map, the tube, Sushi, shopping, walking, gazing, pictures (my camera goes out of battery before we come to the sightseeing part), Chinese dinner double-deckers, taxis, Leo fans, just life... Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar square, Tower of London, Tower of London!, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, ... - just like in my English lesson exercise in the 6th grade, maybe I still have the tape if I search for it (?deep in my mind, where's the Ginko? - ups, I find random things: "Shut the windows, ce...")... Well that was it for "Paris, je t'aime", I really loved London! Hope we'll meet again soon...
3 Kommentare:
tuuuu!! si eu am fost pe acolo de asa de putin timp! ce ciudat mi se pare sa scrii despre locurile astea imediat dupa ce le-am vazut si eu. oricum, tu esti la o ora de Londra, nu? o sa te poti intoarce pentru aprofundat! pup drag
yepa, ma pot intoarce oricand, da si u poti veni in vizita oricand ti se face dor :) si nici cambridge-u nu-i asa rau ;) sper sa ne vedem curand, ori la un late pe-aici, ori la frappeu' ala din povesti, peste mari si tari...
da-mi voie sa impiedic de calitatea textului, care mi-a ridicat ambele sprancene in semn de apreciere. chiar frumos in ambele limbi.
la vizita mea la Londra tot cu manualul de engleza in cap eram la tot pasul si m-asteptam sa gasesc totul conform lui si precum Irina din cartea cu capsunari de Marina Lewycka, am avut o surpriza. cartea aia tare grozav povesteste despre est-europeni in Anglia.
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